We are always seeking highly motivated individuals with a background in one or more of the following: psychology, neuroscience, biology, speech pathology, engineering, physics, applied math or computer science to join our research endeavours.
Students at all levels can become involved in a number of psychological and brain-imaging studies.
Prospective Graduate Students
The Department of Psychology at Laurier has both a MSc and a PhD program in the field of "Cognitive Neuroscience" and accepts new graduate students each year.
Work conducted in the lab is NSERC and CIHR related. Students may apply for NSERC post-graduate scholarships (PGS A and PGS B). Note that students who apply for a PGS A or B will also be considered for a Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS).
Laurier Families Database
We also maintain a database of families who have children willing to participate in research at Wilfrid Laurier University. Parents willing to be contacted as potential participants in various research studies in Education, Kinesiology & Physical Education, and Psychology at Laurier are asked to provide contact information using the link below. Experiments may be related to language, cognitive, perceptual, mathematical, social, educational and motor performance in children and their parents’ behaviour across the lifespan.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduates may apply to conduct their thesis research (PS499) in the lab. In addition, there are often research assistantships available.
Students should be aware that a unique funding opportunity is available from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Students wishing to work in the lab can apply for a NSERC undergraduate student research award (USRA). This award, in addition to a supplement from lab funds, provides funding for students to work in the lab from May through August.
We are always looking for individuals to participate in our experiments (especially during the summer months).
Participants receive an honourarium to compensate them for their time.