Chen, N., Zhao, C., Wang, M., Jones, J. A., Liu, P., Chen, X., Gong, G., & Liu, H. (2021). Linking cortical morphology to interindividual variability in auditory feedback control of vocal production. Cerebral Cortex, in press.
Scheerer, N. E., Jones, J. A. & Iarocci, G., (2020). Exploring the relationship between prosodic control and social competence in children with and without autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 13, 1880-1892.
Liu, D., Dai, G., Liu, C., Chang, Y., Xu, Z. Jones, J. A., Liu, P., & Liu, H. (2020). Top-down inhibitory mechanisms underlying auditory-motor integration for voice control: Evidence by TMS. Cerebral Cortex. 30, 4515–4527.
Scheerer, N. E., Jacobson, D. S., & Jones, J. A. (2020). Sensorimotor control of vocal production in early childhood. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 149, 1071–1077.
Fotovatnia, Z., Scheerer, N.E., & Jones, J. A. (2019). A Persian-English (cross-linguistic) dataset for research on the visual processing of cognates and noncognates. Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 22, 36-70.
Li, W., Zhuang, J., Guo, Z., Jones, J. A., Xu, Z., & Liu, H. (2019). Cerebellar contribution to auditory feedback control of speech production: Evidence from patients with spinocerebellar ataxia. Human brain mapping. 40, 4748-4758.
Wang, W., Wei, L., Chen, N., Jones, J. A., Gong, G., & Liu, H. (2019) Decreased gray-matter volume in insular cortex as a correlate of singers’ enhanced sensorimotor control of vocal production. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13:815.
Bancroft, T. D., Ensor, T. M., Hockley, W. E., Servos, P., Jones, J. A. (2019). Diffusion modeling of interference in auditory short-term memory. Experimental Brain Research. 237: 1899-1905.
Huang, X., Fan, H., Li, J, Jones, J. A., Wang, E. Q., Chen, L., Chen, X., Liu, H. (2019). External cueing facilitates auditory-motor integration for speech control in Parkinson's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 76, 96-105.
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Li, J., Hu, H., Zhao, J., Jones, J. A., Wu, D., Liu, P., Liu, H. (2018). Aging influence on cortical auditory-motor integration for speech control. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12:749.
Zhang, S., Chen, N., Guo, Z., Jones, J. A., Liu, P., Liu, H. (2018). The association between genetic variation in FOXP2 and sensorimotor control of speech production. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 666.
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Scheerer, N. E. & Jones, J. A. (2018). Detecting our own vocal errors: An event-related study of the thresholds for perceiving and compensating for vocal pitch errors. Neuropsychologia, 114,158-167.
Ferreira, A., Schwieter, J. W., Gottardo, A., & Jones, J. (2016). Cognitive effort in direct and inverse translation: Insight from eye-tracking technology. Cadernos de Tradução, 36 (3), 60-80.
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Guo, Z., Huang, X., Wang, M., Jones, J. A., Dai, Z., Li, W., Liu, P., Liu, H. (2016). Regional homogeneity of intrinsic brain activity correlates with auditory-motor processing of vocal pitch errors. NeuroImage, 142, 565-575.
Li, W., Chen, Z., Yan, N., Jones, J. A., Guo, Z., Huang, X., Chen, S., Liu, P., & Liu, H. (2016). Temporal lobe epilepsy alters auditory-motor integration for voice control. Scientific Reports, 6, 28909.
Bancroft, T. D., Jones, J. A., Ensor, T. M., Hockley, W. E., & Servos, P. (2016). Overwriting and intrusion in short-term memory. Memory and Cognition, 44, 435-443.
Pieruccini-Faria F., Jones, J. A., & Almeida, Q. J. (2016). Insight into dopamine-dependent planning deficits in Parkinson’s disease: a sharing of cognitive and sensory resources. Neuroscience, 318: 219-229.
Scheerer, N. E., Tumber, A. K., & Jones, J. A. (2016). Attentional demands modulate sensorimotor learning induced by persistent exposure to changes in auditory feedback. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115, 826-832.
Scheerer, N. E., Jacobson, D. S., & Jones, J. A. (2016). Sensorimotor learning in children and adults following exposure to frequency-altered auditory feedback during speech production. Neuroscience, 314, 106-115.
Li, W., Guo, Z., Jones, J. A., Huang, X., Chen, X., Liu, P., Chen, S., & Liu, H. (2015). Training of working memory impacts neural processing of vocal pitch regulation. Scientific Reports, 5, 16562.
Chen, Z., Wong, F. C. K., Jones, J. A., Li, W., Liu, P., Chen, X., & Liu, H. (2015). Transfer effect of speech-sound learning on auditory-motor processing of perceived vocal pitch errors. Scientific Reports, 5, 13134.
Liu, Y., Hu, H., Jones, J. A., Guo, Z., Li, W., Liu, P., Chen, X., & Liu, H. (2015). Selective and divided attention modulates auditory-vocal integration in the processing of pitch feedback errors. European Journal of Neuroscience, 42(3), 1895–1904.
Pieruccini-Faria F., Ehgoetz Martens, K. A., Silveira, C. R. A., Jones, J. A. , & Almeida, Q. J. (2015). Side of basal ganglia degeneration influences freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease. Behavioral Neuroscience, 129(2), 214-218.
Pieruccini-Faria F., Ehgoetz Martens, K. A., Silveira, C. R. A., Jones, J. A., & Almeida, Q. J. (2014). Interactions between cognitive and sensory load while planning and controlling complex gait adaptations in Parkinson's disease. BMC Neurology. 14, 250.
Tumber, A. K., Scheerer, N. E., & Jones, J. A. (2014). Attentional demands influence vocal compensations to pitch errors heard in auditory feedback. PLoS ONE, 9, e109968.
Callan, D. E., Callan, A., & Jones, J. A. (2014). Speech motor brain regions are differentially recruited during perception of native and foreign-accented phonemes for first and second language listeners. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8, 275.
Scheerer, N., & Jones, J. A. (2014). The predictability of frequency-altered auditory feedback changes the weighting of feedback and feedforward input for speech motor control. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40, 3793-806.
Callan D., Jones J. A., & Callan, A. (2014). Multisensory and modality specific processing of visual speech in different regions of the premotor cortex. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 389.
Pieruccini-Faria, F., Jones, J. A., & Almeida, Q. J. (2014). Motor planning in Parkinson's disease patients experiencing freezing of gait: The influence of cognitive load when approaching obstacles. Brain and Cognition, 87, 76–85.
Scheerer, N., Liu, H. & Jones, J. A. (2013). The development trajectory of vocal and event-related potential response to frequency-altered auditory feedback. European Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 3189-3200.
Keough, D., Hawco, C.S. & Jones, J. A. (2013). Auditory-motor adaptation to frequency-altered feedback occurs when participants 'ignore' feedback. BMC Neuroscience, 14, 25.
Chen, Z., Jones, J. A., Liu, P., Weifeng L., Huang, D. & Liu, H. (2013). Dynamics of Vocalization-induced Modulation of Auditory Cortical Activity at Mid-utterance. PLoS ONE, 8, e60039.
Scheerer, N., Behich, J., Liu, H. & Jones, J. A. (2013). Event-related potential correlates of the magnitude of pitch error detected in the voice. Neuroscience, 240, 176–185.
Liu, P., Chen, Z., Jones, J. A., Huang, D. & Liu, H. (2013). Developmental gender-specific changes in auditory-vocal integration: ERP evidence in children. Clinical Neurophysiology, 124, 503-513.
Jones, J.A., Scheerer, N. & Tumber, A. (2013). The relationship between vocal pitch feedback error and event-related brain potentials. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19, 060151.
Reiko Akahane-Yamada
Quincy Almeida
Jon Behich
Akiko Callan
Daniel Callan
Ziyi Chen
Zhaocong Chen
Shaozhen Chen
Rachel Craven
Sarah D'Alton
Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens
Todd Ferretti
Timothy Graham
Zhiqiang Guo
Colin Hawco
Dongfeng Huang
Xiyan Huang
Danielle Jacobson
Michelle Jarick
Jeffery A. Jones
Dwayne Keough
Christian Kroos
Takaaki Kuratate
Hanjun Liu
Peng Liu
Kevin Munhall
Elizabeth Olds
Frederico Pieruccini-Faria
Frank Russo
Nichole Scheerer
Carolina Silveira
Danielle Striemer
Anupreet Tumber
Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson
Emily Wang
Li Weifeng
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Memory and Cognition
Psychological Science
Scientific Reports
Scheerer, N. & Jones, J. A. (2012). The relationship between vocal accuracy and variability to the level of compensation to altered auditory feedback. Neuroscience Letters, 529, 128–132.
Scheerer, N., D’Alton, S., Liu, H. & Jones, J. (2012). The effects of frequency-altered feedback on vocal productions of Canadian-English speaking children. Proceedings of The Listening Talker (LISTA), Edinburgh, UK.
Liu, P., Chen, Z., Jones, J. A., Huang, D. & Liu, H. (2011). Auditory feedback control of vocal pitch during sustained vocalization: A cross-sectional study of adult aging. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22791.
Keough, D. & Jones, J. A. (2011). Contextual cuing contributes to the independent modification of multiple internal models for vocal control. Journal of Neurophysiology, 105, 2448-2456.
Jones, J. A., Craven, R. & Scheerer, N. (2011). The impact of vocal training on the sensorimotor control of vocal pitch. Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark.
Chen, Z., Liu, P., Jones, J. A., Huang, D. & Liu, H. (2010). Sex-related differences in vocal responses to pitch feedback perturbations during sustained vocalization. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 128, EL355-EL360.
Hawco, C. S. & Jones, J. A. (2010). Multiple instances of vocal sensorimotor adaptation to frequency-altered feedback within a single experimental session. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127, EL13-EL18.
Keough, D. & Jones, J. A. (2009). The sensitivity of auditory-motor representations to subtle changes in auditory feedback while singing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126, 837-846.
Hawco, C. S. & Jones, J. A. (2009). Control of vocalization at utterance onset and mid-utterance: different mechanisms for different goals. Brain Research, 1276, 131-139.
Jarick, M. & Jones. J. A. (2009). Effects of seeing and hearing speech on speech production: A response time study. Experimental Brain Research. 195, 175-182.
Hawco, C. S., Jones, J. A., Ferretti, T. R. & Keough, D. (2009). ERP correlates of online monitoring of auditory feedback during vocalization. Psychophysiology, 46,1216-1225.
Olds, E. S., Graham, T. J. & Jones, J. A. (2009). Feature head-start: Conjunction search following progressive feature disclosure. Vision Research, 49,1428-1447.
Jones, J. A. & Keough, D. (2008). Auditory-motor mapping for pitch control in singers and nonsingers. Experimental Brain Research, 190, 279-287.
Jarick, M. & Jones, J. A. (2008). Observation of static gestures influences speech production. Experimental Brain Research, 189, 221-228.
Russo, F. A. & Jones, J. A. (2007). The role of perceptual mediation in experienced urgency of auditory warnings. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122, EL185-190.
Jones, J. A. & Striemer, D. (2007). Speech disruptions during delayed auditory feedback with simultaneous visual feedback. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122, EL135-141.
Russo, F. A. & Jones, J. A. (2007) Human factors considerations in the design of rumble strips. Proceedings of the 17th Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Montréal, Canada.
Jones, J. A. &, Jarick M. (2006). Multisensory integration of speech signals: The relationship between space and time. Experimental Brain Research, 174, 588-594.
Jones, J. A. & Munhall, K. G. (2005). Remapping auditory-motor representations in voice production. Current Biology. 15, 1768–1772.
Callan, D. E., Jones, J. A., Callan, A. M. & Akahane-Yamada, R. (2004). Phonetic perceptual identification by native- and second-language speakers differentially activates brain regions involved with acoustic phonetic processing and those involved with articulatory–auditory/orosensory internal models. Neuroimage, 22, 1182-1194.
Callan, D. E., Jones, J. A., Munhall, K. G., Kroos, C., Callan, A. M. &Vatikiotis-Bateson, E. (2004). Multisensory-integration sites identified by perception of spatial wavelet filtered visual speech gesture information. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16, 805-816.
Munhall, K. G., Jones, J. A., Callan, D. E., Kuratate, T. & Vatikiotis-Bateson, E. (2004). Visual prosody and speech intelligibility: Head movement improves auditory speech perception. Psychological Science, 15, 133-137.
Callan, D. E., Jones, J. A., Munhall, K. G., Kroos, C., Callan, A. M. &Vatikiotis-Bateson, E. (2003). Neural processes underlying perceptual enhancement by visual speech gestures. NeuroReport, 14, 2213-2218.
Jones, J. A. & Callan, D. E. (2003). Brain activation during an audiovisual speech perception task: An fMRI study of the “McGurk effect”. NeuroReport, 14, 1129-1133.
Jones, J. A. & Munhall, K. G. (2003). Learning to produce speech with an altered vocal tract: The role of auditory feedback. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113, 532-543.
Jones, J. A. & Callan, D. E. (2003). Brain activation when acoustic information is delayed during an audiovisual speech task. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2209-2212.
Jones, J. A. & Munhall, K. G. (2002). The role of auditory feedback during phonation: Studies of Mandarin tone production. Journal of Phonetics, 30, 303-320.
Jones, J. A. & Munhall, K. G. (2001). Cross-linguistic studies of fundamental frequency control. Proceedings of the 4th International Speech Motor Conference, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Jones, J. A. & Munhall, K. G. (2000). Perceptual calibration of F0 production: Evidence from feedback perturbation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108, 1246-1251.
Jones, J. A. & Munhall, K. G. (2000). Perceptual contributions to fundamental frequency production. Proceedings of the 5th Seminar on Speech Production: Models and Data, Kloster Seeon, Bavaria.
Munhall, K. G. & Jones, J. A. (1998). Articulatory evidence for syllabic structure. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 21, 524-525.
Jones, J. A. & Munhall, K. G. (1997). The effects of separating auditory and visual sources on audiovisual integration of speech. Canadian Acoustics, 25 (4), 13-19.